Karsten Reuter

8 records found


We first briefly report on the status and recent achievements of the ELPA-AEO (Eigen value Solvers for Petaflop Applications—Algorithmic Extensions and Optimizations) and ESSEX II (Equipping Sparse Solvers for Exascale) projects. In both collaboratory efforts, scientists from ...

Global structure search for molecules on surfaces

Efficient sampling with curvilinear coordinates

Efficient structure search is a major challenge in computational materials science. We present a modification of the basin hopping global geometry optimization approach that uses a curvilinear coordinate system to describe global trial moves. This approach has recently been sh ...

Identification of relevant reaction pathways in ever more complex composite materials and nanostructures poses a central challenge to computational materials discovery. Efficient global structure search, tailored to identify chemically relevant intermediates, could provide the ...

Vibrational spectra of Xe-tagged cationic silicon oxide clusters SinOm+ with n = 3-5 and m = n, n ± 1 in the gas phase are obtained by resonant infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectroscopy and density functional theory calculation ...

M Si20H20 aggregates

From simple building blocks to highly magnetic functionalized materials

Density-functional theory based global geometry optimization is used to scrutinize the possibility of using endohedrally doped hydrogenated Si clusters as building blocks for constructing highly magnetic materials. In contrast to the known clathrate-type facet-sharing, the cluste ...

Multidoping of Si cages

High spin states beyond the single-dopant septet limit

Density-functional theory based global geometry optimization is employed to systematically scrutinize the possibility of multidoping of hydrogenated Si clusters to achieve high spin states beyond the septet limit of a single-atom dopant. While our unbiased configurational search ...
Density-functional theory based global geometry optimization is used to scrutinize the possibility of endohedral doping of hydrogenated Si fullerenes as a route to Si nanostructures with high magnetic moments. In contrast to previous suggestions, our unbiased sampling finds the s ...


A first-principles sampling study of MSi16+ (M = Ti,V,Cr)

Density-functional theory is used to study the geometric and electronic structure of cationic Si16+ clusters with a Ti, V, or Cr dopant atom. Through unbiased global geometry optimization based on the basin-hopping approach, we confirm that a Frank-Kasper polyhedron, with the met ...