V. Raghavan
12 records found
HAMS-MREL, a new open source multiple body solver for marine renewable energies
Model description, application and validation
With the rapid development of offshore renewable energy technologies, open source solvers for hydrodynamic analysis can become beneficial to meet the numerical challenges within the field, particularly when they are both accurate and computationally efficient. Hydrodynamic Analys
HAMS-MREL, a new open source multiple body solver for marine renewable energies
Model description, application and validation
With the rapid development of offshore renewable energy technologies, open source solvers for hydrodynamic analysis can become beneficial to meet the numerical challenges within the field, particularly when they are both accurate and computationally efficient. Hydrodynamic Analys
Wave energy has immense potential and can provide at least twice as much electricity as globally produced now due to its high energy density. Apart from the vast accessibility of the resource, waves are more predictable and available throughout the year when compared to other for
One of the key aspects to consider before large scale de-ployments of wave energy converters (WEC), is to optimize the devices’ characteristics to improve wave power absorption. Typi-cally, devices with passive control are designed to have the highest efficiency in wave power abs
Wave Energy farm assessment in real wave climates
The North Sea
Wave energy has immense potential and can provide at least twice as much electricity as globally produced now due to its high energy density. Apart from the vast accessibility of the resource, waves are more predictable and available throughout the year when compared to other for
The Oscillating Water Column (OWC) wave energy converter has been shown to have high potential, thus rendering extensive development in recent years. In order to further accelerate its development, highly accurate yet computationally efficient tools are necessary particularly whe
The Boundary Element Method (BEM) based on the linear potential flow theory has shown to produce accurate results at low computational costs in numerical modelling of the hydrodynamics of Wave Energy Converters (WECs). WAMIT, Nemoh and Capytaine are some of the most popular frequ
Ocean wave energy has immense potential and can provide at least twice as much electricity as globally produced now due to its high energy density. In order to efficiently extract this energy and make this commercially viable, Wave Energy Converters (WECs) need to interact with t
One of the key aspects to consider before large scale deployments of wave energy converters (WEC), is to optimize the devices’ characteristics to improve wave power absorption. Typically, devices with passive control are designed to have the highest efficiency in wave power absor
To date there is a wide range of wave reanalysis and hindcasts available to the scientific and engineering community which are commonly used for different applications, including downscaling or the estimation of the wave energy resource. These long datasets have been created usin
Numerical modelling of a box-type bottom-detached oscillating water column wave energy conversion device
A comparison of experimental data with BEM and CFD numerical modelling
Utilization of Boundary Element Method (BEM) based on linear potential flow for modelling Oscillating Water Column (OWC) devices has gained popularity in the last two decades. The commercial BEM solver WAMIT has been used widely for modelling OWCs and validated using experimental
Wave Energy Converters (WECs) are expected to significantly contribute to the energy transition; however, this depends on their interactions with the resource. Calculating the power generated by WECs depends heavily on the accurate modelling of wave-structure interactions. The Bo