W.P.S. Cames van Batenburg

5 records found


The reconfiguration graph Ck(G) for the k-colourings of a graph G has a vertex for each proper k-colouring of G, and two vertices of Ck(G) are adjacent precisely when those k-colourings differ on a single vertex of G. Much work has focused on bounding the ...

We investigate the list packing number of a graph, the least k such that there are always k disjoint proper list-colourings whenever we have lists all of size k associated to the vertices. We are curious how the behaviour of the list packing number contrasts with that of the l ...

List coloring is an influential and classic topic in graph theory. We initiate the study of a natural strengthening of this problem, where instead of one list-coloring, we seek many in parallel. Our explorations have uncovered a potentially rich seam of interesting problems sp ...


We investigate two open problems in discrete geometry regarding how large subsets of sets of points need to be in order for certain structures to emerge. First of all there is the Erdős-Szekeres convex polygon problem, also known as the Happy Ending problem. Interestingly, there ...
For this thesis, we consider two $k$-colorings of a graph $G$ adjacent if one can recolor one into the other by changing the color of one vertex. The reconfiguration graph of a graph $G$ on $k$ colors $\mathcal{C}_{k}(G)$ is the graph for which the vertices are the $k$-colorings ...