Cirrusclouds play a crucial role in the Earth’s energy budget. They reflect incomingsunlight and absorb and re-emit terrestrial infrarred radiation. The magnitudeof these components depends on the cirrus microphysical properties (e.g., icecrystal number and effective diameter), w
Cirrusclouds play a crucial role in the Earth’s energy budget. They reflect incomingsunlight and absorb and re-emit terrestrial infrarred radiation. The magnitudeof these components depends on the cirrus microphysical properties (e.g., icecrystal number and effective diameter), which can result in either net warmingor cooling effects. This thesis investigates the differences in thoseproperties of high- and mid-latitude cirrus, as well as their interactions withatmospheric aerosol and aviation-induced contrail cirrus. To explore thesedifferences, cirrus clouds were measured with the German research aircraft HALO(High Altitude and LOng Range) during the CIRRUS-HL (CIRRUS at High Latitudes)campaign in June and July 2021. A total of 24 flights and 35 hours of in situ measurementsof cirrus particle data were collected with the Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP), theCloud Imaging Probe Grayscale (CIPG) and the Precipitation Imaging Probe (PIP).A comprehensive intercomparison among the instruments, along with a detaileduncertainty analysis, was performed, resulting in an accurate andquality-controlled data set. The results of these measurements show thathigh-latitude cirrus, compared to midlatitude cirrus, have lower median icenumber concentration (0.001 and 0.0086 cm−3), higher median effective diameter(210 and 165 µm), and lower median extinction coefficient (0.042 and 0.072 m−1,respectively). In addition, high relative humidity over ice is observed,particularly at high latitudes, with median values around 125%. The influence ofthe formation region on cirrus properties was assessed by combiningmeasurements with weather model data and backward trajectories starting at theflight tracks. The results show that a large part of the high-latitude cirruswere formed at mid-latitudes, leading to different properties compared tocirrus formed directly at high latitudes. Simulations from anaerosol-chemistry-climate model were combined with the backward trajectoriesand a strong contribution of heterogeneous nucleation was identified in the measuredcirrus. Thus, the low concentrations of ice nucleating particles at highlatitudes (from the model) combined with high ice supersaturation levels mightexplain the lower ice number concentration and larger effective diameter ofcirrus measurements at high latitudes compared to mid-latitudes. Aviationemissions have a large local impact on the cirrus microphysical properties throughcontrail formation and their evolution to contrail cirrus. The CIRRUS-HL data setshows a higher occurrence of contrail cirrus at mid-latitudes, and a potentialimpact on natural cloudiness by reducing supersaturation levels at cirrusaltitudes. The effect of contrails from future propulsion technologies maydepend on background aerosol concentrations. Comparisons of measurements andmodel data for total aerosol number concentrations show good agreement for thelarger particle size mode (> 250 nm), but likely an underestimation above300 hPa in the Aitken mode (> 12 nm). By combining observations with modeldata, this study contributes to enhancing the understanding of the variabilityin cirrus properties due to different formation mechanisms and aerosolinfluences, as well as the interaction of natural and contrail cirrus.