Robert Sitzenfrei
6 records found
Water distribution networks (WDNs) are a vital component of urban water infrastructure. They transport water from production sites (sources) to spatially distributed consumers (sinks). Multiobjective optimization procedures are often used to minimize construction costs and at the
Water distribution networks (WDNs) are vital parts of the urban infrastructure, and their construction, operation, and maintenance incur major investments. Therefore, many different approaches for optimizing WDNs exist. However, when it comes to large real WDNs, computational tim
The optimization of water networks supports the decision-making process by identifying the optimal trade-off between costs and performance (e.g., resilience and leakage). A major challenge in the domain of water distribution systems (WDSs) is the network (re)design. While the com
Green infrastructures for urban water system
Balance between cities and nature
Urban water systems face severe challenges such as urbanisation, population growth and climate change. Traditional technical solutions, i.e., pipe-based, grey infrastructure, have a single purpose and are proven to be unsustainable compared to multi-purpose nature-based solutions
In the urban water cycle, there are different ways of handling stormwater runoff. Traditional systems mainly rely on underground piped, sometimes named 'gray' infrastructure. New and so-called 'green/blue' ambitions aim for treating and conveying the runoff at the surface. Such c