Hans Kuipers
8 records found
A full-scale high-rate cascade anaerobic digestion (CAD) system was evaluated for its ability to enhance enzymatic sludge hydrolysis. The system included a newly built digester, innovatively divided into three pie-shaped compartments (500 m3 each), followed by an exist
Controlled particle migration in non-Newtonian fluids is very important in many biological, environmental and industrial applications like hydraulic fracturing. The phenomenon of particle transport in non-Newtonian fluid is generally governed by complex interplay of different eff
Polymer liquids are used in the oil industry to improve the volumetric sweep efficiency and displacement efficiency of the oil from a reservoir. Surprisingly, it is not only the viscosity but also the elastic properties of the displacing fluid that determine the displacement effi
Multiphase (gas-solid) flows are encountered in numerous industrial applications such as pharmaceutical, food, agricultural processing and energy generation. A coupled computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and discrete element method (DEM) approach is a popular way to study such flo
Particle aggregates are frequently processed in industrial apparatus such as pneumatic conveyors, bed gasifiers and fluidised bed reactors. In numerical models of these processes, particles have traditionally been represented as spheres, thus limiting complexities associated with
In industry we encounter many processes that rely on equipment in which particles are suspended by a gas flow, such as pneumatic conveyors, CFB gasifiers, combustors and fluidized bed reactors. In numerical models of these processes, particles have traditionally been represented
Polymer liquids are used in the oil industry to improve the volumetric sweep efficiency and displacement efficiency of the oil from a reservoir. Surprisingly, it is not only the viscosity but also the elastic properties of the displacing fluid that determine the displacement effi
Bubble microrheology
A new approach to extensional viscoelastic measurements
Information on the viscoelastic response to extensional deformation of polymeric solutions and other complex fluids is crucial for understanding their behavior in a wide variety of industrial applications. While the characterization of complex fluids using simple shear experiment