The global geopolitics of developed countries in the twentieth century was highly shaped by energy geopolitics, which is outmost dependent on the supply and demand of coal, oil and gas. The development and diffusion of renewable energy technology may reshape the geopolitical powe
The global geopolitics of developed countries in the twentieth century was highly shaped by energy geopolitics, which is outmost dependent on the supply and demand of coal, oil and gas. The development and diffusion of renewable energy technology may reshape the geopolitical power in the world. Therefore, the main question that this research aims to answer is:"How does the development of wind and solar energy in Germany affect the current gas trade relations between Germany and Russia?". In order to answer this question, the study creates a framework of analysis that can logically connect the geotechnical characteristics of renewable energy with the patterns of cooperation between Germany and Russia that are based on gas trade. The framework is using four consistent and interconnected steps, analysing the geotechnical characteristics of wind and solar energy, the impact of these characteristics on the German energy security and gas trade patterns, and finally discussing the implications of these changes on the patterns of cooperation between Germany and Russia.