82 records found
Layer separation for vessel enhancement in interventional x-ray angiograms using morphological filtering and robust PCA
Epicardial fat volume is related to atherosclerotic calcification in multiple vessel beds
3D catheter tip tracking in 2D x-ray image sequences using a hidden Markov model and 3D rotational angiography
Respiratory motion estimation in x-ray angiography for improved guidance during coronary interventions
Fast en robust 3D ultrasound registration - block and game theoretic matching
Automatic tissue segmentation of head and neck MR images for hyperthermia treatment planning
MRI integration into treatment planning of head and neck tumors: Can patient immobilization be avoided?
Continuous roadmapping in liver TACE procedures using 2D¿3D catheter-based registration
3D/3D registration of coronary CTA and biplane XA reconstructions for improved image guidance
Feasibility of multi-modal deformable registration for head and neck tumor treatment planning
Additional diagnostic value of integrated analysis of cardiac CTA and SPECT MPI using the SMARTVis system in patients with suspected coronary artery disease
Automatic Classification of Calcification in the Coronary Vessel Tree
Oriented Gaussian mixture models for non-rigid 2D/3D coronary artery registration
2D/3D catheter-based registration for image guidance in TACE of liver tumors
Semi-automatic MRI segmentation and volume quantification of intra-plaque hemorrhage
Lumen segmentation and stenosis quantification of atherosclerotic carotid arteries in CTA utilizing a centerline intensity prior
Automatic segmentation, detection and quantification of coronary artery stenoses on CTA
Statistical coronary motion models for 2D+t/3D registration of X-ray coronary angiography and CTA
Automatic quantification of epicardial fat volume on non-enhanced cardiac CT scans using a multi-atlas segmentation approach
Standardized evaluation framework for evaluating coronary artery stenosis detection, stenosis quantification and lumen segmentation algorithms in computed tomography angiography