Shahabodin Afrasiabi
4 records found
One of the most challenging issues in protecting power transformers is to discriminate internal faults from inrush currents. This paper proposes a new approach for differential protection of power transformers based on the robust soft learning vector quantization (RSLVQ) method.
The conflicting issues of growing demand for electrical energy versus the environmental concerns have left the energy industries practically with one choice: to turn into renewable energies. This duality has also highlighted the role of power transmission systems as energy delive
Power transformers being among the power system key components, are very important to protect. Various approaches have so far been proposed for this topic. Artificial intelligence (AI) has provided a concrete basis for numerous power transformer differential protection methodolog
Photovoltaic (PV) as one of the most promising energy alternatives brings a set of serious challenges in the operation of the power systems including PV system protection. Accordingly, it has become even more vital to provide reliable protection for the PV generations. To this en