B.P. Solano Hermosilla

7 records found


Eukaryotes have one replicative helicase known as CMG, which centrally organizes and drives the replisome, and leads the way at the front of replication forks. Obtaining a deep mechanistic understanding of the dynamics of CMG is critical to elucidating how cells achieve the enorm ...

Integrated single-molecule force-fluorescence spectroscopy setups allow for simultaneous fluorescence imaging and mechanical force manipulation and measurements on individual molecules, providing comprehensive dynamic and spatiotemporal information. Dual-beam optical tweezers ...

The eukaryotic replicative helicase CMG centrally orchestrates the replisome and leads the way at the front of replication forks. Understanding the motion of CMG on the DNA is therefore key to our understanding of DNA replication. In vivo, CMG is assembled and activated throug ...

DNA replication in eukaryotes initiates at many origins distributed across each chromosome. Origins are bound by the origin recognition complex (ORC), which, with Cdc6 and Cdt1, recruits and loads the Mcm2-7 (MCM) helicase as an inactive double hexamer during G1 phase. The rep ...

Optical trapping of (sub)micron-sized particles is broadly employed in nanoscience and engineering. The materials commonly employed for these particles, however, have physical properties that limit the transfer of linea ...

Studying the dynamics of intracellular processes and investigating the interaction of individual macromolecules in live cells is one of the main objectives of cell biology. These macromolecules move, assemble, disassemble, and reorganize themselves in distinct manners under sp ...

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a key component of diverse optical and electronic applications that exploit its exceptional material properties. In particular, the use of TiO2 in its single-crystalline phase can offer substantial advantages over its amorphous and polycrystalline phase ...