A.R. Chagas Cavalcanti
24 records found
Housing by people and work
Design principles for favelas residents in economies of commerce and service
This article proposes a new approach towards the design and planning of social housing destined to residents living in informal settlements of Brazil. It is aimed at restoring the proximity between the labor and domestic functions within the spatial domain of the house. This need
Urban informality shaped by labor
Addressing the spatial logics of favelas
This doctoral thesis mainly consists of a series of journal publications written by the author between 2015 and 2019. The doctoral thesis presents the results of ten years of research on informal settlements, with particular reference to Brazilian favelas. The research aimed to u
The Knowledge of Masons in the Favela
An Approach to the Built Environment of Slums
Many of the inhabitants of the favelas are masons who learned the construction practices in the slums by buildings houses and infrastructures to their families and neighbours. A considerable number of these masons work in the formal city, in formal companies and share their knowl
The Tools of the 'Architects' in Informal Settlements
The Case of the Builders of Brazilian Favelas
This article addresses the notion of architecture in informal settlements. The intellectual reflection derives its roots from an in field research of almost four years in Brazilian Favelas. According to the author’s experience, there are tools and strategies that the so called “a
A informalidade da favela brasileira
Um desenho urbano voltado à moradia social
Este artigo propõe discutir a habitação social de massa no Brasil. Investiga-se um desenho da moradia social que parte do que existe nas favelas, ou seja, das práticas sociais de dentro das favelas, notoriamente as relações de trabalho em um sistema de circulação econômica contem
Favelas and the normative, institutional Social Housing System in Brazil
Discipline versus freedom, private versus public through the analysis of the unprivileged working class history
Most of today’s Brazilian Social Housing Institutional complexes are standardized mass buildings. They are planned in the periphery of cities, have no connection to public transportation systems and are disconnected from their respective local context. The planning approach to ho
Favela as a Brazilian Heritage Site
The complexities and shifting realities from an ethnographic perspective
Favelas are a world heritage site since 2012. This particular fact triggers a binary opposition in informal settlements study: from the materialist perspective to the idealist one. That includes neoliberal effects, such as commodification, and a romantic depiction of the favela.
Critical roles of Architecture
The endemic of labour in the favela dwelling system: Towards a critique on its architectural autonomy.
This article explores a concept of autonomous architecture that is endemic to post-neoliberal labour systems. Current housing production is directly influenced by the commodification process of living and by social practice tunes, which influence the space production. This direct
A pobre “Archi-nomia” da moradia social no contexto pós-neoliberal Brasileiro
Uma historia de favela e autoconstrução
Este artigo ensaia sobre como a autoconstrução pode levar a compreender os desdobramentos das políticas de direito à moradia no Brasil. Ele se foca no sistema econômico pós-neoliberal que se relaciona com o direito à moradia no contexto da autoconstrução das favelas. O estudo se
Planning as curating everyday micro-contexts for a better public policy in the Favelas
The case of the Favela School of Architecture
This article aims to produce guidelines for the design of social housing according to the existing self-help contexts of slums, based on findings inferred from an etnographic research in the "Favela Grota de Santo Antonio" through 7 years of field observation (2008-2015). This su
This essay is conceived as a reaction to the past conference Shaping Cities of the Urban Age at the 2016 Venice Biennale, Reporting from the Front. In light of numerous global crises, urban explosion, housing shortages and rising social movements, contemporary architecture is inc