Building upon the connections established in the first year, the second year of the TUD Open Science Programme saw the team and partners collaboratively reaching some major milestones: the TUD Research Software Policy, TUD Policy on Open Educational Resources and the Recognition
Building upon the connections established in the first year, the second year of the TUD Open Science Programme saw the team and partners collaboratively reaching some major milestones: the TUD Research Software Policy, TUD Policy on Open Educational Resources and the Recognition & Rewards Perspective were approved by the CvB; the first rounds of Research Data Management 101 Training and the Digital Competence Center’s calls for project support were successfully delivered to great appreciation from participants; the new TUD Open Science website was launched in December. In addition, connections with faculties were further consolidated: faculty management teams expressed support and enthusiasm to further collaborate, and the Open Science Community Delft continues to grow as more researchers are inspired to participate in and, in some cases, lead conversations in open research and education.
With the Programme and the achievements of the Programme team and community, TUD is internationally recognized as a leader in Open Science. The growth target open access for 2022 is 3% (to 84%). Our academics received open science awards and funding, and were invited to participate in national open science conversations (e.g. FAIR Data Tafel). Our team members are regularly invited to participate in national and international open science efforts, and asked to share our experience and learnings with colleagues in other institutions, at events and in various media. Within TU Delft, the Programme has also built and consolidated strategic partnerships with other offices, such as the Integrity Office, the Innovation and Impact Center to provide advice for Horizon Europe applicants, the Diversity Office to promote diversity and inclusion in technology development, and the Climate Action Hub and the Global Initiative to raise awareness on the importance of open science in climate research and in driving global impact. Portfolio Holder Rob Mudde advised the establishment of an advisory board dedicated to the open education project; representatives from all phases in TUD education (bachelor, master, PhD, extension school) were invited to become a member.
Looking forward to 2022, we aim to further embed programme output into the regular programming around the university, to ultimately ensure that open science becomes the norm.