Preparation methods are presented of thin dual layer membranes (DLM's) and mixed matrix membranes (MMM's) based on nanosheets of the Cu-BDC metal-organic framework (MOF, lateral size range 1–5 µm, thickness 15 nm) and commercially available poly(ethylene oxide)–poly(butylene tere
Preparation methods are presented of thin dual layer membranes (DLM's) and mixed matrix membranes (MMM's) based on nanosheets of the Cu-BDC metal-organic framework (MOF, lateral size range 1–5 µm, thickness 15 nm) and commercially available poly(ethylene oxide)–poly(butylene terephthalate) (PEO–PBT) copolymer (Polyactive™) and their performances are compared in CO2/N2 separation. The MMMs and DLMs represent two extremes, on the one hand with well-mixed components and on the other hand completely segregated layers. Compared to the free-standing membranes, the thin PAN- and zirconia-alumina-supported MMMs showed significant enhancement in both permeance and selectivity. The support properties affect the obtained selective layer thickness and its resistance impacts the CO2/N2 selectivity. The permeance of thin DLM's is among the highest reported literature data of MOF based thin MMMs, but have a modest selectivity. Addition of the nanosheets in the thin MMMs improves the CO2/N2 selectivity of the already selective polymer further to 77. The nanosheets in the thin MMMs make a gutter layer on the PAN support superfluous. The small pore support ZrO2-alumina does not need a gutter layer. XRD analysis reveals that the spatial distribution of MOF nanosheets and polymer chains packing were responsible for differences in the permeation performance of the free-standing, thin dual layer and mixed matrix membranes.