Alessio Misuri
4 records found
Corrigendum to “Tackling uncertainty in security assessment of critical infrastructures
Dempster-Shafer Theory vs. Credal Sets Theory” (Safety Science (2018) 107 (62–76), (S0925753517318611), (10.1016/j.ssci.2018.04.007))
The authors regret that an imprecise statement was made in this article, and wish to offer this Corrigendum as clarification. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. Imprecise statement: Misuri et al. (2018, pp. 70) state in their work: “Differently from
Security management of critical infrastructures is a complex task as a great variety of technical and socio-political information is needed to realistically predict the risk of intentional malevolent acts. In the present study, a methodology based on Limited Memory Influence Diag
Before the tragedy of 9/11, the perception of risk in process plants was mainly focused on accidental events caused by technical failures, human errors or natural events. However, since then, the risk of deliberate actions against process facilities - also known as security risk
Tackling uncertainty in security assessment of critical infrastructures
Dempster-Shafer Theory vs. Credal Sets Theory
Securing critical infrastructures is a complex task. Required information is usually scarce or inexistent, and experts’ judgments may be inaccurate and biased. In this paper, two methodologies dealing with data scarcity, imprecision, and uncertainty are presented: Evidential netw