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K Koolstra
Academic Work (12)
Editorial Work (1)
Book chapter (3)
Conference paper (7)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (1)
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12 records found
Transport infrastructure slot allocation
Doctoral thesis (2005) -
K Koolstra (author)
A multi-class continuous-time equilibrium model for departure time choice on a single bottleneck network
Conference paper (2002) -
NJ van der Zijpp (author)
K Koolstra (author)
A scenario analysis of the traffic market in 2030
Book chapter (2002) -
TJH Schoemaker (author)
K Koolstra (author)
PHL Bovy (author)
Multiclass continuous-time equilibrium model for departure time choice on single-bottleneck network
Journal article (2002) -
NJ van der Zijpp (author)
K Koolstra (author)
Slotallocatie op het spoor en op luchthavens. Een vergelijkende analyse
Conference paper (2001) -
K Koolstra (author)
Capaciteitsmanagement van het hoofdwegennet
Book chapter (2001) -
K Koolstra (author)
Capaciteitsmanagement in de spoorwegsector
Book chapter (2001) -
K Koolstra (author)
Delta metro express
Conference paper (2000) -
K Koolstra (author)
Slot allocation in rail transport
Conference paper (2000) -
K Koolstra (author)
Slot allocation in different transport sectors
Conference paper (2000) -
K Koolstra (author)
Slot allocation in differenct tranport sectors
Conference paper (2000) -
K Koolstra (author)
Potential benefits of a freeway slot-reservation system
Conference paper (1999) -
K Koolstra (author)