CO2 capture based on post-combustion capture has the potential to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants. However, this capture process reduces considerably the energy efficiency of the power plant. To reduce this energy penalty,
CO2 capture based on post-combustion capture has the potential to significantly reduce the CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants. However, this capture process reduces considerably the energy efficiency of the power plant. To reduce this energy penalty, this paper studies different post-combustion CO2 capture process configurations combined with different levels of heat integration with the power plant. The cases studied were based on a 1070MWe power plant connected to a demo size capture plant (250MWe equivalent - approximately 1.1Mton CO2 captured/year). The integral evaluation of the energy needed for the capture plant together with the electrical and heat integration with the power plant is a suitable methodology for determining overall power plant efficiency. This approach gives a good overview of the effect of different capture options and integration levels, that cannot be obtained when evaluated independently.