COMET - Integrated infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage in the west Mediterranean- is a join research Project cofinanced by the European Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), which started on January 2010. Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) is a CO2 abatement option that can contribute substantially to the ambitious targets needed for climate stabilization. The significant role foreseen for CCS is based on several conditions, like the availability of a CO2 transport infrastructure or construction of such an infrastructure within the near future. The need to have a suitable transport infrastructure, its implications over time and its related costs have only more recently attracting the attention and getting priority in the R&D agenda of the European Countries. This is partly because research on CO2 transport and storage needs to be realized at the localregional level, unlike the technological research on CO2 capture which is not country dependent. In this context, COMET focuses on assessing CO2 transport and storage in a geographical area that until now has received little attention: the West Mediterranean area, specifically, the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco.