Gerrit L. Dusseldorp
9 records found
Berkenpek uit de Noordzee
Een zeldzame vondst werpt licht op het gedrag van neanderthalers
In 2016 raapte amateurarcheologe en -paleontologe Willy van Wingerden uit Honselersdijk op het strand bij Kijkduin een klein stukje vuursteen op met aan één kant een aangehechte zwarte materie. Ze liet de vondst enkele dagen later aan archeoloog Marcel Niekus zien. Die werd direc
Reply to Schmidt et al.
Interpretation of Paleolithic adhesive production: Combining experimental and paleoenvironmental information
We explore if taxonomic analysis of archaeological mollusc assemblages can be used to reconstruct Late Pleistocene (MIS 5–3) coastal environments at Klasies River in South Africa. To obtain a balanced reconstruction, we analyse the large molluscs separately from the so-called inc
We review indications for the behavioural complexity of foraging strategies during Marine Isotope Stage 5 (∼130 - 74 ka) at Blombos Cave and Klasies River, South Africa. Although the sites were occupied by anatomically modern humans, it is debated whether they were also behaviour
Carry that weight
Coastal foraging and transport of marine resources during the south african middle stone age
The influence of transport and processing behaviour on the composition of archaeological assemblages is often poorly understood. We study the influence of changing transport distances, due to Late Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations, on the representation of marine resources at Mi
Middle Stone Age shellfish exploitation
Potential indications for mass collecting and resource intensification at Blombos Cave and Klasies River, South Africa
Middle Stone Age (MSA) shellfish remains were studied for indications of changes in subsistence adaptations. Optimal Foraging Theory was applied to the MSA shellfish species from Blombos Cave and Klasies River, South Africa, to model which shellfish would be most profitable to co