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HW van Dijk
Academic Work (10)
Conference paper (7)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (2)
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10 records found
Evaluating an embedded software reference architecture - industrial experience report -
Conference paper (2005) -
BS Graaf (author)
HW van Dijk (author)
Arie Van Van Deursen (author)
Omgaan met requirements in outsourcingprojecten
Journal article (2005) -
M. Lormans (author)
HW van Dijk (author)
Arie van Deursen (author)
E Nöcker (author)
On the systematic conformance check of software artefacts
Journal article (2005) -
HW van Dijk (author)
BS Graaf (author)
BN Boerman (author)
Democratic processing; mastering the complexity of communicating systems
Doctoral thesis (2004) -
HW van Dijk (author)
Managing evolving requirements in an outsourcing context: an industrial experience report
Conference paper (2004) -
M. Lormans (author)
HW van Dijk (author)
Arie van Deursen (author)
A de Zeeuw (author)
Context-aware process networks
Conference paper (2003) -
HW van Dijk (author)
H.J. Sips (author)
EFA Deprettere (author)
Context-aware process networks
Conference paper (2003) -
HW van Dijk (author)
H.J. Sips (author)
EFA Deprettere (author)
Adaptive end-to-end optimization of mobile video streaming using qos negotiation
Conference paper (2002) -
JR Taal (author)
K.G. Langendoen (author)
A van Schaaf (author)
HW van Dijk (author)
Reginald L. Lagendijk (author)
Adaptive end-to-end optimization of mobile video streaming using qos negotiation
Conference paper (2002) -
JR Taal (author)
K.G. Langendoen (author)
A van Schaaf (author)
HW van Dijk (author)
Reginald L. Lagendijk (author)
On context-aware process networks
Conference paper (2002) -
HW van Dijk (author)
EFA Deprettere (author)
H.J. Sips (author)