Fred W. Wubs

7 records found

We perform a numerical study of a two-component reaction–diffusion model. By using numerical continuation methods, combined with state-of-the-art sparse linear and eigenvalue solvers, we systematically compute steady state solutions and analyze their stability and relations in bo ...
We developed a finite volume package FVM and a solver HYMLS, both based on elements of the Trilinos EPETRA-package (see http://trilinos.sandia.gov/). HYMLS is a linear system solver for steady state incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled to transport equations in 2 and 3D ...
We discuss the parallel implementation of a hybrid direct/iterative solver for a special class of saddle point matrices arising from the discretization of the steady Navier-Stokes equations on an Arakawa C-grid, the F-matrices. The two-level method described here has the followin ...
We present a new hybrid direct/iterative approach to the solution of a special class of saddle point matrices arising from the discretization of the steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on an Arakawa C-grid. The two-level method introduced here has the following properti ...
In present-day forward time stepping ocean-climate models, capturing both the wind-driven and thermohaline components, a substantial amount of CPU time is needed in a so-called spin-up simulation to determine an equilibrium solution. In this paper, we present methodology based on ...
To understand the physics and dynamics of the ocean circulation, techniques of numerical bifurcation theory such as continuation methods have proved to be useful. Up to now these techniques have been applied to models with relatively few (O (105)) degrees of freedom such as multi ...