B. Tian
10 records found
Small angle scattering is frequently applied to study the anisotropy in complex soft matter systems. One emerging application is to probe the multi-scale structure in food matrices; while few models are available to describe the anisotropic scattering pattern in a quantitative, y
Phospholipid gum mesostructures formed in crude soybean oil after water degumming (WD) and enzymatic degumming (ED) were studied at a range of phospholipid and water concentrations. For ED, phospholipase C (PLC), phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and a mixture of phospholipases Purifine 3G
Pronounced fibres are formed through simple shearing of a dense calcium caseinate dispersion. Both mechanical tests and scanning electron microscopy images demonstrate that the material is anisotropic. It is hypothesised that calcium caseinate aggregates, under shear, align into
In the past decades, neutron scattering techniques have been applied to many soft matter systems and have yielded fruitful results that contribute to a better understanding of their properties. Yet, the techniques were rarely used for studying food materials, probably because the
Microemulsion systems consisting of D2O, an alkane, an anionic internal olefin sulfonate surfactant, salt and secondary butyl alcohol (SBA) as co-solvent are studied in a systematic way. In four different sample sets, either the salt content, SBA content or alkane carb
We present an investigation of the dynamics of calcium caseinate as a function of hydration, solvent isotope (H2O and D2O) and drying methods (roller drying and spray drying), using quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS). These factors are key to the format
A versatile cell for X-ray and neutron scattering experiments on samples under shear has been designed. To our knowledge, it is the first shear cell which can be used for both SAXS and SANS in respectively synchrotron or reactor beamlines. The cell is mainly intended for scatteri
Calcium caseinate dispersions can be transformed into anisotropic, fibrous materials using the concept of shear-induced structuring. The aim of this study is to further investigate the relative importance of air bubbles and protein on the mechanical anisotropy of calcium caseinat
Dense calcium caseinate dispersions can be transformed into hierarchically fibrous structures by shear deformation. This transformation can be attributed to the intrinsic properties of calcium caseinate. Depending on the dispersion preparation method, a certain amount of air gets