The fundamental problem to this study is the fact that after the so-called honeymoon phase of a relationship (the beginning of a new relationship where everything feels carefree and passionate) sexual desire between partners often decreases. A large scale survey conducted amongst
The fundamental problem to this study is the fact that after the so-called honeymoon phase of a relationship (the beginning of a new relationship where everything feels carefree and passionate) sexual desire between partners often decreases. A large scale survey conducted amongst 920 people in long-term relationships showed that 65% of the participants thought they were having sex too infrequent. Stress, tiredness and the perceived pressure of other duties like taking the children to bed were the most common reasons for people to not engage in sexual activity with their partner anymore. Therefore the following design goal was formulated:
“To come up with a viable concept that is meant to allow long-term couples get intimate in a way that does not cause the feeling of pressure that any kind of sexual activity should be a follow up step. The concept focuses on helping couples to relax together mentally as well as physically, to inspire them to explore a new way of intimacy. This should be done by means of a physical product which fits the brand portfolio.”
A context mapping study was conducted with six heterosexual couples in long-term relationships to explore the solution space by answering the question: “What product or activity or a combination thereof can help couples get in the mood for intimate activity, when they are typically not aroused?” The results of the study showed that body massage, in combination with creating an ambience were for a multitude of reasons the most effective elements to achieve this goal. Therefore making and taking time together, creating an ambience and physical touch through massage are the fundaments for the concept: the Ignite.
The Ignite is categorized as a “sense toy” instead of a sex toy. It is a metal couples massager which is able to warm up and vibrate, in combination with a mood light which is integrated in the charging station. Because it is a mood light, the Ignite is continuously visible in the bedroom, in either its discrete (when the massager is hidden inside) or its non-discrete (where the massager is displayed) state. It is meant to inspire couples to take time for explorative physical intimacy, without the pressure of having to have genital focused sex.
The Ignite has been evaluated in multiple ways in terms of desirability, viability and feasibility.
Concluded is that the design goal has been achieved, for as far as the research done within the time frame of this project can tell. Further research should be conducted in order to optimize the concept technically. Mainly the context mapping study, in combination with the participants’ evaluation of the Ignite showed how promising the concept is. Five out of five were positive towards the concept, and all also believed that the Ignite would cause them to integrate massage more in their intimate life because of its constant presence in the bedroom. Therefore the overall conclusion is that the Ignite has a positive influence on the intimate life of people in long-term relationships.