Vanda Sunderlikova
4 records found
Single molecule techniques are particularly well suited for investigating the processes of protein folding and chaperone assistance. However, current assays provide only a limited perspective on the various ways in which the cellular environment can influence the folding pathway
The collapse of polypeptides is thought important to protein folding, aggregation, intrinsic disorder, and phase separation. However, whether polypeptide collapse is modulated in cells to control protein states is unclear. Here, using integrated protein manipulation and imaging,
Many proteins form dynamic complexes with DNA, RNA, and other proteins, which often involves protein conformational changes that are key to function. Yet, methods to probe these critical dynamics are scarce. Here we combine optical tweezers with fluorescence imaging to simultaneo
The ability to reverse protein aggregation is vital to cells1,2. Hsp100 disaggregases such as ClpB and Hsp104 are proposed to catalyse this reaction by translocating polypeptide loops through their central pore3,4. This model of disaggregation is appealing,