W. Phusakulkajorn
6 records found
Inefficient management of rail surface defects can increase maintenance costs, safety hazards, service disruptions, and catastrophic failures like rail breaks. To achieve adequate management, having effective technology capable of timely detecting and frequently monitoring rail d
The conventional vertical track quality index (TQI) based on the standard deviation of longitudinal levels yields standardized railway track condition assessment. Nevertheless, its capability to identify problems is limited, particularly in the ballast and substructure layers whe
Detection of Rail Surface Defects based on Axle Box Acceleration Measurements
A Measurement Campaign in Sweden
This work presents the results of a measurement campaign to demonstrate the effectiveness of the axle box acceleration (ABA) technology for detecting rail defects. The measurements were conducted along the Iron Ore line between Sweden and Norway for the IN2TRACK3 project. This li
Artificial Intelligence in Railway Infrastructure
Current research, challenges, and future opportunities
The railway industry has the potential to make a strong contribution to the achievement of various sustainable development goals, by an expansion of its role in the transportation system of different countries. To realize this, complex technological and societal challenges are to
A multiple spiking neural network architecture based on fuzzy intervals for anomaly detection
A case study of rail defects
In this paper, a fuzzy interval-based method is proposed for solving the problem of rail defect detection relying on an on-board measurement system and a multiple spiking neural network architecture. Instead of outputting binary values (defect or not defect), all data will belong