13 records found
In vivo blood flow and wall shear stress measurements in the vitelline network
Wall shear stress measurements using µPIV in the outflow tract of a chicken embryo
Particle Image Velocimetry for microscale blood flow measurements
The Endothelin-1 pathway and the development of cardiovascular defects in the haemodynamically challenged chicken embryo
In vivo whole-field blood velocity measurement techniques
In vivo blood flow velocity measurements in the viteline network
In vitro study of shear stress over endothelial cells by micro-particle image velocimetry
In vivo micro particle image velocimetry measurements of blood-plasma in the embryonic avian heart
Multi-plane particle image velocimetry in embryonalen huhnerherzen
blood flow measurements in micro vessels
In vitro messung der wandschubspannungsverteilung auf einer endothel zellschicht mittels mico particle image velocimetry
Blood shear stress in a chicken embryo, experiments and numerical modeling
Full-field blood velocity measurement techniques