Dario Pacciarelli
5 records found
This paper addresses the real-time problem of coordinating aircraft ground and air operations in an airport area. At a congested airport, airborne decisions are related to take-off and landing operations, while ground (taxiway) decisions consist of scheduling aircraft movements b
Intelligent decision support systems for the real-time management of landing and take-off operations can be very effective in helping air traffic controllers to limit airport congestion at busy terminal control areas. The key optimization problem to be solved regards the assignme
Microscopic delay management
Minimizing train delays and passenger travel times during real-time railway traffic control
Optimization models for railway traffic rescheduling in the last decade tend to develop along two main streams. On the one hand, train scheduling models strive to incorporate any relevant detail of the railway infrastructure having an impact on the feasibility and quality of the
Optimization models for railway traffic rescheduling tackle the problem of determining, in real-time, control actions to reducing the effect of disturbances in railway systems. In this field, mainly two research streams can be identified. On the one hand, train scheduling models
Optimization models for railway traffic rescheduling in the last decade tend to develop along two main streams. One the one hand, train scheduling models strives to incorporate any relevant detail of the railway infrastructure having an impact on the feasibility and quality of th