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A Pol
Academic Work (6)
Journal article (6)
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6 records found
Extremely acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria applied in biotechnological processes for gas purification
Journal article (2012) -
N.J.R. Kraakman (author)
A Pol (author)
MJ Smeulders (author)
Mike S M Jetten (author)
HJM Op den Camp (author)
Methanotrophy below pH1 by a new verrucomicrobia species
Journal article (2007) -
A Pol (author)
K Heijmans (author)
HR Hartangi (author)
D Tedesco (author)
M.S.M. Jetten (author)
HJM Op den Camp (author)
Denitrification in a binary culture and thiocyanate metabolism in Thiohalophilus thiocyanoxidans gen. nov. sp. nov. - a moderately halophilic chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacterium from hypersaline lakes
Journal article (2007) -
D.Y. Sorokin (author)
TP Tourova (author)
EY Bezsoudnova (author)
A Pol (author)
G Muyzer (author)
A microbial consortium couples anaerobic methane oxidation to denitrification
Journal article (2006) -
AA Raghoebarsing (author)
A Pol (author)
M Strous (author)
K van de Pas-Schoonen (author)
AJP Smolders (author)
KF Ettwig (author)
WIC Rijpstra (author)
S Schouten (author)
JSS Damste (author)
HJM Op den Camp (author)
Mike S.M. Jetten (author)
Diversity of culturable halophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria in hypersaline habitats
Journal article (2006) -
Dimitry Y. Sorokin (author)
TP Tourova (author)
A Pol (author)
AM Lysenko (author)
G Muyzer (author)