S. Giri
5 records found
Stabilization of the Lower Jamuna River in Bangladesh
Hydraulic and Morphological Assessment
This paper presents a hydraulic and morphological analysis of the Lower Jamuna in Bangladesh with a focus on two key bifurcations that are important for stabilization of the Lower Jamuna reach. We used ground measurements, historical data, multispectral satellite images from vari
Groynes have been replaced by longitudinal training walls in an 11-km long pilot project to optimize training of the river Waal in the Netherlands. These train ing walls improve navigability, reduce flood levels, create a sheltered second channel with more favourable ecological
Deep-channel dynamics
A challenge for erosion management in large rivers
In this paper, we present flow and erosion problems in selected reaches of two large and dynamic river systems in South Asia, namely the Koshi River in Nepal (and India) and the Lower Brahmaputra (Jamuna) in Bangladesh. We attempted to analyse large- and meso-scale (short- and me
The effects of sediment heterogeneity and sediment mobility on the morphology of braided rivers are still poorly studied, especially when the partial sediment mobility occurs. Nevertheless, increasing the bed sediment heterogeneity by coarse sediment supply is becoming a common p