
T. de Boer

16 records found


Streamflow is often the only variable used to evaluate hydrological models. In a previous international comparison study, eight research groups followed an identical protocol to calibrate 12 hydrological models using observed streamflow of catchments within the Meuse basin. In ...

The root zone storage capacity (Sr) of vegetation is an important parameter in the hydrological behaviour of a catchment. Traditionally, Sr is derived from soil and vegetation data. However, more recently a new method has been developed that uses climate data to estimate Sr ba ...

Why do equal precipitation events not lead to equal discharge events across space and time? The easy answer would be because catchments are different, which then leads to the second question: Why do hydrologists often use the same rainfall-runoff model for different catchments? P ...

Looking beyond general metrics for model comparison

Lessons from an international model intercomparison study

International collaboration between research institutes and universities is a promising way to reach consensus on hydrological model development. Although model comparison studies are very valuable for international cooperation, they do often not lead to very clear new insights r ...
The catchment representative root zone storage capacity (Sr), i.e. the plant available soil water, is an important parameter of hydrological systems. It does not only influence the runoff from catchments, by controlling the partitioning of water fluxes but it also influences the ...
Incorporating spatially variable information is a frequently discussed option to increase the performance of (semi- )distributed conceptual rainfall-runoff models. One of the methods to do this is by using this spatially variable information to delineate Hydrological Response Uni ...
Root zone storage capacity ( S r ) is an important variable for hydrology and climate studies, as it strongly influences the hydrological functioning of a catchment and, via evaporation, the local climate. Despite its importance, it remains difficult to obtain a well-founded catchm ...


De Variabele Constante

Onderzoek naar de psychrometrische constante bij lage windsnelheden

De psychrometrische constante wordt gebruikt om met behulp van een psychrometer de relatieve luchtvochtigheid vast te stellen. Onderzoek geeft aan dat deze psychrometrische constante niet constant is en dat voor lage windsnelheden de algemeen geaccepteerde formules niet zonder me ...