Circular Image

20 records found


Most materials around us have properties that are determined at extremely small scales. Often the atoms and molecules that make up these materials determine how they behave under load. While this already leads to a great variety of material properties, a lot more is possible. Me ...

Auxetic behavior refers to lateral widening upon stretching or, in reverse, lateral shrinking upon compression. When an initially auxetic structure is actuated by compression or extension, it will not necessarily remain auxetic for larger deformations. In this paper, we invest ...

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic resulted in shortages of production and test capacity of FFP2-respirators. Such facemasks are required to be worn by healthcare professionals when performing aerosol-generating procedures on COVID-19 patients. In response to the high demand and short su ...

In this paper, a pseudo-rigid body model is proposed for the analysis of a spatial mechanical metamaterial and its application is demonstrated. Using this model, the post-buckling behavior of the mechanical metamaterial can be determined without the need to consider the whole ela ...

Introduction: The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused large shortages in personal protective equipment, leading to hospitals buying their supplies from alternative suppliers or even reusing single-use items. Equipment from these alternative sources first needs to be tested to ...

Poisson’s ratio is one of the most studied material proper- ties that can be designed in mechanical metamaterials. However, in most studies so far, Poisson’s ratio is not constant for larger compressions. Only for structures in which ν = −1, structures with a constant Poisson’ ...

Dilational structures can change in size without changing their shape. Current dilational designs are only suitable for specific shapes or curvatures and often require parts of the structure to move perpendicular to the dilational surface, thereby occupying part of the enclosed v ...

Most currently existing mechanical metamaterial designs are based on Bravais lattices. These consist of parallelogram or parallelepiped unit cells, which are respectively translated along two or three independent vectors to fill the complete space. This approach is inherently ...

Dilational structures are one degree of freedom structures able to change their size without changing their global shape. In this paper, we present a method to create dilational shells with arbitrary curvature. For this, we designed triangular tiles, which can be placed on a t ...


This thesis presents the state-of-the art gripping literature and the implementation and extension of an existing Pseudo-Rigid Body Modelling (PRBM) method for modelling initially-curved compliant grippers out of which a circular object is extracted. From the existing literature, ...

Comparing Design Synthesis Methods

A Study on Frame Design

The Lunar Zebro is a small moon rover that needs an advanced chassis to endure the harsh environment that the moon brings. To arrive at a solution for such a frame or chassis creativity and hard work are necessary. Whereas hard work is a given, creativity is not and it may need a ...
Auxetic metamaterials offer various novel abilities, one of the abilities is to deform into a dome-shape under out-of-plane deformation. Contrary to a material with a positive Poisson's ratio, which deforms into a saddle-shape. A dome-shape is named synclastic deformation and a s ...
For more than 130 years there have been efforts to automate human services. One such automation is the use of computer-based solving methods to aid engineers in their search for their ideal goal, such as automated planar mechanism design. Contrary to creating mechanisms manually, ...
Kirigami can be used to create objects with a nonzero Gaussian curvature. A mathematical method is presented that can be applied to join a single continuous and smooth cut of a kirigami sheet. This is realized by constraining additional discretized strips with origami. The mathe ...
The interest in shape-shifting materials has increased over the past years. A part of this field concerns the shape-shifting of sheets from flat configuration into a double curved configuration, requiring nonuniform strain among the sheet. This functionality can be used for vario ...
Origami structures are found in mechanical technology more and more often. A less strict derivative of origami are Hinging Rigid Panel Structures, which are not bound to be developable from a single flat sheet of planar material. These Hinging Rigid Panel Structures can be applie ...
The purpose of this study is to investigate how metamaterials with a negative Poisson ratio, so-called auxetic metamaterials, can be used for conversion of pressure from a fluid to strain in a solid for application in a medical pressure sensor. As a first step, a literature revi ...
This thesis proposes the introduction of a metastable equilibrium state in a viscoelastic pre-curved beam. Generally, metamaterials with bistable unit cells need an external application of force to restore, leading to the contemplation of possible structures with self restorable ...
This thesis presents a transformable metamaterial, inspired by origami. Generally, metamaterials are build up following the periodicity of Bravais lattices. This study aims to design a structure not following the Bravais lattices, but rather a different type of symmetry which til ...
This report presents the design of a 2-DOF compliant mechanism, capable of describing a closed spatial surface. The mechanism is designed with the intended application as leg in an omnidirectional walking machine. Therefore, a conceptual design of a way of coupling a multitude of ...