E. Andres Garcia
12 records found
In a world where capture and separation processes represent above 10% of global energy consumption, novel porous materials, such as Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) used in adsorption-based processes are a promising alternative to dethrone the high-energy-demanding distillation. S
PBI mixed matrix hollow fiber membrane
Influence of ZIF-8 filler over H2/CO2 separation performance at high temperature and pressure
High performance and commercially attractive mixed-matrix membranes were developed for H2/CO2 separation via a scalable hollow fiber spinning process. Thin (~300 nm) and defect-free selective layers were successfully created with a uniform distribution of th
This thesis, Gas Adsorptive Separation through Microporous Materials, presents the research done on gas separation processes in the Catalysis Engineering team. This thesis intends to collect the knowledge and results of five years’ experimental research dealing with gas mixtures
Separation of propylene/propane is one of the most challenging and energy consuming processes in the chemical industry. Propylene demand is increasing and a 99.5% purity is required for industrial purposes. Adsorption based solutions are the most promising alternatives to improve
The cobalt-based ZIF-67 has been evaluated for the adsorptive propylene/propane separation in a fixed bed. Characterization techniques and dynamic measurements have been performed over ZIF-67 to evaluate its potential in this defiant process. Cobalt promotes a more rigid framewor
Methane hydrates
Nucleation in microporous materials
Clathrates are well-known compounds whose low thermal stability makes them extremely rare and appreciated. Although their formation mechanism is still surrounded by many uncertainties, these ice-like structures have the potential to be an alternative for transport and storage of
A mathematical model is used to predict adsorption isotherms from experimentally measured breakthrough curves. Using this approach, by performing only breakthrough experiments for a mixture of two (or more) components, one can obtain pure component adsorption isotherms up to the
Biobased 2-butanol offers high potential as biofuel, but its toxicity toward microbial hosts calls for efficient techniques to alleviate product inhibition in fermentation processes. Aiming at the selective recovery of 2-butanol, the feasibility of a process combining in situ vac
Xenon Recovery by DD3R Zeolite Membranes
Application in Anaesthetics
Xe is only produced by cryogenic distillation of air, and its availability is limited by the extremely low abundance. Therefore, Xe recovery after usage is the only way to guarantee sufficient supply and broad application. Herein we demonstrate DD3R zeolite as a benchmark membran
Mixed-matrix membranes containing an azine-linked covalent organic framework
Influence of the polymeric matrix on post-combustion CO2-capture
The use of an azine-linked covalent organic framework (ACOF-1) as filler in mixed-matrix membranes (MMMs) has been studied for the separation of CO2 from N2. To better understand the mechanisms that govern separation in complex composites, MMMs were prepared