Cities consume two-thirds of the energy supply, and 70% of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions come from urban environments. Positive Energy Districts are innovative tools to achieve energy and climate neutrality in cities. Positive Energy Districts are regions or neighbourhoods
Cities consume two-thirds of the energy supply, and 70% of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions come from urban environments. Positive Energy Districts are innovative tools to achieve energy and climate neutrality in cities. Positive Energy Districts are regions or neighbourhoods with a positive annual energy balance, obtained mainly through energy efficiency and energy generation from renewables. Urban Waterfronts are extended areas close to the sea, which makes them suitable for several types of production with renewables, therefore seeming to be a suitable location to develop Positive Energy Districts. This paper proposes a method that combines strategic planning for project management and the procedure for energy audits to design the optimal district configuration. The study presents and analyses the case of La Marina de València, a district in a Mediterranean city. Three strategic scenarios, both technically feasible and with a positive energy balance, are presented. All the alternatives include PV and switching to light-emitting diode in lighting. The different strategies presented together with a sensitivity analysis facilitate the decision-making process in energy planning and establish a common pathway to achieve Positive Energy Districts in Urban Water Fronts. The results suggest that urban waterfronts are uniquely suited to achieve a positive annual energy balance, thus emerging as a crucial springboard to provide traction to the positive energy districts policy agenda.@en