19 records found
Experiments and modelling of micro-jet assisted fluidization of nanopowder
Experiments and modelling of micro-jet assisted fluidization of nanoparticles
Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of microjet assisted secondary gas injection in nanoparticle fluidization
Influence of particle size distribution on fluidized beds - a modelling approach
Optimal placement of probes for dynamic pressure measurements in large-scale fluidized beds
Computational validation of the scaling rules for fluidized beds
Experimental validation of Lagrangian-Eulerian simulations of fluidized beds.
Comparative Analysis of CFD Models of Dense Gas-Solid Systems.
CFD Modeling of Gas-Fluidized Beds with a Bimodal Particle Mixture.
Derivation, implementation, and validation of computer simulation models for gas-solid fuidized beds.
Overview of CFD Models of Laminar Gas-Solid Systems.
CFD Modeling of dense gas-solid flows with a bimodal particle size and/or weight distribution.
Comparative Analysis for CFD Models for Dense Gas-Solid Systems
Validation of the Eulerian Simulated Dynamic Behavior of Gas-Solid Fluidised Beds
Granular kinetic theory for fluidized beds
CFD Modeling for Gas-Slid Flows: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of the Various Treatments
Eulerian simulations of bubbling behavior in gas-solid fluidized beds.
Simulation of Fluidized Beds with Lattice Gas Cellular Automata