24 records found
The eco-costs/value ratio: a tool to determine the long-term strategy for delinking economy and environmental ecology
Does recycling fit with sustainable use?
A new Vision on the Building Cylce
Reuse and recycling of building materials
Hergebruik van Bouwstoffen
Use of Recycled Materials in Construction
MEDIA. A decision support tool for sustainable urban development
Use of recycled materials in constructions
The assessment of recycled materials with the Eco-costs/Value Ratio Model
Dubo Jaarboek
Ensayos de lixivication holandes y su utilization (Het Bouwstoffenbesluit)
The eco-costs/value-ratio
Sustainable use of recycled materials in building construction
Overheid slaat plank mis bij hergebruik granulaat
De zandproductie UBO-Noord
Sustainable Use of Recycled Materials in Building Constructions
Clean Mobile Crushing
Mobiel breken is beter voor bedrijf en milieu
Application of construction and demolition waste
Keuze tussen vast en mobiel breken van bouw- en sloopafval