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LJ Bellamy
Academic Work (47)
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Conference paper (30)
Journal article (14)
Report (2)
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47 records found
Which management system failures are responsible for occupational accidents?
Journal article (2010) -
LJ Bellamy (author)
M Mud (author)
M Damen (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
ON Aneziris (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
AR Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
Analysis of the crash of TK 1951 using cats
Journal article (2010) -
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
BJM Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
J Cooper (author)
D.A. Ababei (author)
D. Kurowicka (author)
D Kurowicka (author)
Dorota Kurowicka (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
J. Spouge (author)
Further development of a causal model for air transport safety (CATS): building the mathematical heart
Journal article (2009) -
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
BJM Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
J. Spouge (author)
R van den Boom (author)
R. van den Boom (author)
J Cooper (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
RM Cooke (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
L.H.J. Goossens (author)
LHJ Goossens (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
AR Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
Dorota Kurowicka (author)
D Kurowicka (author)
D. Kurowicka (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
ALC Roelen (author)
Risk informed oversight in air transport using cats
Conference paper (2009) -
B Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
J Cooper (author)
D.A. Ababei (author)
D.A. Ababei (author)
Dorota Kurowicka (author)
D. Kurowicka (author)
D Kurowicka (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
J. Spouge (author)
Causal model for air transport safety (final report)
Report (2009) -
B Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
RM Cooke (author)
M Duyvis (author)
D Kurowicka (author)
D. Kurowicka (author)
Dorota Kurowicka (author)
P.H. Lin (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
A Roelen (author)
J. Spouge (author)
Testing a Safety Management System in Aviation
Conference paper (2008) -
P.H. Lin (author)
AR Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
C. van Gulijk (author)
Coen van Gulijk (author)
BJM Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
ALC Roelen (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
Human factors and organizational subsystems in occupational accidents
Conference paper (2008) -
LJ Bellamy (author)
M Mud (author)
M Damen (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
ON Aneziris (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
AR Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
Analysing & presenting accident data with the Storybuilder software
Conference paper (2008) -
LJ Bellamy (author)
M Mud (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
AR Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
Quantification of Occupational Risk from Accidents
Conference paper (2008) -
IA Papazoglou (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
K.C.M Leidelmeijer (author)
M Damen (author)
A Bloemhoff (author)
JJ Kuiper (author)
BJM Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
Towards risk assessment for crane activities
Journal article (2008) -
ON Aneziris (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
J.G. Post (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
M Mud (author)
M Damen (author)
JJ Kuiper (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
BJM Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
AR Hale (author)
A Bloemhoff (author)
Further development of a causal model for air transport safety (CATS); the complete model
Conference paper (2008) -
BJM Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
J Cooper (author)
J. Spouge (author)
R van den Boom (author)
R. van den Boom (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
RM Cooke (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
L.H.J. Goossens (author)
LHJ Goossens (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
AR Hale (author)
D Kurowicka (author)
D. Kurowicka (author)
Dorota Kurowicka (author)
P.H. Lin (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
ALC Roelen (author)
What do numbers tell us?
Conference paper (2008) -
M Mud (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
AR Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
Accidents in the construction industry in the Netherlands: An analysis of accident reports using Storybuilder
Journal article (2008) -
BJM Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
M Damen (author)
LHJ Goossens (author)
L.H.J. Goossens (author)
AR Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
M Mud (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
J.Y. Whiston (author)
Factors involved in the failure of safety barriers from the data of the Dutch Labour Inspectorate
Conference paper (2008) -
LJ Bellamy (author)
M Mud (author)
M Damen (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
ON Aneziris (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
AR Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
Using a causal model for air transport safety (CATS) for the evaluation of alternatives
Conference paper (2008) -
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
BJM Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
RP vdr Boom (author)
J Cooper (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
RM Cooke (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
Dorota Kurowicka (author)
D. Kurowicka (author)
D Kurowicka (author)
P.H. Lin (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Quantifying occupational risk: The development of an occupational risk model
Journal article (2007) -
BJM Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
J.Y. Whiston (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
A Bloemhof (author)
LHJ Goossens (author)
L.H.J. Goossens (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
AR Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
M Mud (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
J Post (author)
Jan Post (author)
Quantified risk assessment for fall form height
Journal article (2007) -
ON Aneziris (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
M Mud (author)
Ben Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
BJM Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
AR Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
A Bloemhoff (author)
Jan Post (author)
J Post (author)
J Oh (author)
Further development of a Causal model for Air Transport Safety (CATS); building the mathematical heart
Conference paper (2007) -
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
BJM Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
J. Spouge (author)
R. van den Boom (author)
J Cooper (author)
RM Cooke (author)
R.M. Cooke (author)
R. M. Cooke (author)
Roger M. Cooke (author)
Roger Cooke (author)
LHJ Goossens (author)
L.H.J. Goossens (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
AR Hale (author)
Dorota Kurowicka (author)
D. Kurowicka (author)
D Kurowicka (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Nápoles (author)
O. Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales Napoles (author)
O. Morales Napoles (author)
Oswaldo Morales-Napoles (author)
ALC Roelen (author)
The software tool storybuilder and the analysis of the horrible stories of occupational accidents
Journal article (2007) -
LJ Bellamy (author)
BJM Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
J.Y. Whiston (author)
M Mud (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
AR Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
A Bloemhoff (author)
M Damen (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
Using Storybuilder to analyse accident reports for causes and cures
Conference paper (2007) -
BJM Ale (author)
B.J.M. Ale (author)
Ben Ale (author)
Ben J.M. Ale (author)
LJ Bellamy (author)
H. Baksteen (author)
M Damen (author)
LHJ Goossens (author)
L.H.J. Goossens (author)
AR Hale (author)
A.R. Hale (author)
Andrew Hale (author)
M Mud (author)
J.I.H. Oh (author)
IA Papazoglou (author)
J.Y. Whiston (author)