K. Kim

5 records found

Advancing Design Approaches through Data-Driven Techniques

Patient Community Journey Mapping Using Online Stories and Machine Learning

Designers are increasingly collaborating with data scientists to apply smart data technologies to understand large-scale user behavior during their design research. This is useful in specific impact domains with vulnerable users and unfamiliar contexts, such as healthcare design. ...
Background: Heart rate (HR) monitored by a wearable device (WD) has demonstrated its clinical feasibility for thyrotoxicosis subjects. However, the association of HR monitored by wearables with hypothyroidism has not been examined. We assessed the association between serum thyroi ...
Monitoring of dual service failures (e.g., trends in service failures and consecutive service failures) in business is emphasized for service quality management. Previous studies analyzing negative online reviews to conduct dual service failure monitoring from a managerial perspe ...
A multistage manufacturing process (MMP) consists of several consecutive process stages, each of which has multiple machines performing the same functions in parallel. A manufacturing path (simply referred to as path) is defined as an ordered set indicating a record of machines a ...
Background: A lifelogs-based wellness index (LWI) is a function for calculating wellness scores based on health behavior lifelogs (eg, daily walking steps and sleep times collected via a smartwatch). A wellness score intuitively shows the users of smart wellness services the over ...