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L.M. van der Plas
Academic Work (2)
Master thesis (1)
Student report (1)
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Drought-resilient port-hinterland connections
Investigating the impact of modality transport hubs
Master thesis (2024) -
L.M. van der Plas (author)
Mark Van Koningsveld (mentor)
Nadia Pourmohammadzia (mentor)
M. Saeednia (mentor)
F. Baart (mentor)
A study on applying OpenRiverCam software to determine river discharge levels and the design of a rain radar calibration model in Thailand
Student report (2023) -
M.W. Toet (author)
L.M. van der Plas (author)
D.H.J. van Wijngaarden (author)
F.N.L. Aberson (author)
J.A.E. van Lith (author)
Thom Bogaard (mentor)
L. van Biert (mentor)
David Tax (mentor)
P.P. Mapiam (mentor)