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H.J. Rosenboom
Academic Work (6)
Book (1)
Book chapter (2)
Journal article (3)
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6 records found
Urban regeneration in Lyon connectivity and social exclusion
Journal article (2013) -
P.L.M. Stouten (author)
H.J. Rosenboom (author)
Sportinclusieve stedelijke planvorming
Journal article (2012) -
R.M. Rooij (author)
Remon Rooij (author)
H.J. Rosenboom (author)
De netwerkstad werkt
Journal article (2011) -
P.L.M. Stouten (author)
H.J. Rosenboom (author)
The Randstad: Its position and environment
Book chapter (2005) -
H.J. Rosenboom (author)
Mobility of Elderly Persons in Time and Space in the Netherlands: Flexible Public Transport for the Elderly
Book chapter (1998) -
MHHK Tacken (author)
H.J. Rosenboom (author)
Data Analysis Monograph. Four techniques for data processing - Module 2: Society, Social Processes, Spatial Use and Urban Design (Master of Science Course)
Book (1998) -
E.D. Hulsbergen (author)
H.J. Rosenboom (author)