Nandita M. deSouza
3 records found
To harmonize the use of color for MR relaxometry maps and therefore recommend the use of specific color-maps for representing T1, T2, and T2* maps and their inverses.
Perceptually linearized color-maps were chosen to have similar color settings as ...
To harmonize the use of color for MR relaxometry maps and therefore recommend the use of specific color-maps for representing T1, T2, and T2* maps and their inverses.
Perceptually linearized color-maps were chosen to have similar color settings as ...
Color Maps
Facilitating the Clinical Impact of Quantitative MRI
Presenting quantitative data using non-standardized color maps potentially results in unrecognized misinterpretation of data. Clinically meaningful color maps should intuitively and inclusively represent data without misleading interpretation. Uniformity of the color gradient for
Designing clinical trials based on modern imaging and metastasis-directed treatments in patients with oligometastatic breast cancer
A consensus recommendation from the EORTC Imaging and Breast Cancer Groups
Breast cancer remains the most common cause of cancer death among women. Despite its considerable histological and molecular heterogeneity, those characteristics are not distinguished in most definitions of oligometastatic disease and clinical trials of oligometastatic breast can