21 records found


The authors regret their errors in the production of the legend labels and marker colors in Fig. 15 on page 11. The correct legend labels and marker colors are provided in the figure below:[Formula presented] The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

For the design of offshore foundations in regions such as the Baltic Sea, it is paramount that ice-structure interaction is appropriately considered. For the monopile, a common foundation for offshore wind turbines, challenges with ice-induced vibrations and high ridge loads may ...

A series of ice penetration tests with a rigid structure, with controlled oscillation, and with a single-degree-of-freedom structure were performed to investigate the peak load-velocity dependence for ethanol-doped model ice during a test campaign at the Aalto Ice and Wave Tan ...

Cyclic crushing experiments with a haversine velocity waveform were performed on passively confined, freshwater columnar ice specimens for a variety of velocities and frequencies. The aim of the experiments was to study the ice deformation and failure behavior in crushing when ...

The manual application of universal (Rigsby) stage techniques is commonly used to determine the fabric of thin sections of ice viewed with crossed-polarized light. This process can require hours of focus in cold conditions to identify the c-axis of each grain in a thin section ...

For offshore wind turbines on monopile or jacket foundations without ice cones, one of the relevant design load cases is that of ice floes or level ice crushing against the structure resulting in ice-induced vibrations. In relation to that design load case, a relevant question is ...
For the topic of predicting ice-induced vibrations of vertically sided offshore structures, the rate-dependent ductile-to-brittle transitional deformation and failure behavior of ice is critical but remains superficially understood. To investigate this knowledge gap, a test setup ...
With the recent surge in development of offshore wind in the Baltic Sea, Bohai Sea and other ice-prone regions, a need has arisen for new basin tests to qualify the interaction between offshore wind turbines and sea ice. To this end, a series of model tests was performed at the A ...

Basin tests were performed at the Aalto Ice Tank to gather data on ice-structure action and interaction from ice failing against a vertically sided cylindrical pile. The tests were performed with a real-time hybrid test setup, which combined physical and numerical components t ...

This study analyses the results from basin tests with a vertically sided cylindrical pile loaded by ice failing in crushing. Tests were performed with a ‘rigid’ structure and with structural models representing a series of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) oscillators covering a wi ...
Ice-induced vibrations of offshore wind turbines on monopile foundations were investigated experimentally at the Aalto Ice Tank. A real-time hybrid test setup was developed allowing to accurately simulate the motion of a wind turbine in interaction with ice, incorporating the mul ...
Much attention has been given to the dynamic ice-structure interaction of the Molikpaq caisson which resulted in severe, almost catastrophic, structural vibrations during the winter of 1985- 1986 at Amauligak I-65 in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. In this study, specific focus is giv ...
For the design of offshore structures in regions with ice-infested waters, the prediction of interaction between ice floe and support structure is essential. If the structure is vertically sided at the ice-structure interface, then ice-induced vibrations can develop. Recently, a ...
Vertically sided offshore structures subjected to level ice are designed to withstand the effects of ice-induced vibrations. Such structures are, for example, offshore wind turbines on monopile foundations, multi-legged oil- and gas platforms or lighthouses. For the prediction of ...
For the design of offshore structures in regions with ice-infested waters, the prediction of interaction between floating level ice and the support structure is essential. If the structure is vertically sided at the ice-structure interface and certain ice and structural condition ...


Structures built in lakes and rivers or at sea are under huge forces induced by ice. These cause friction at the ice-structure interface that may pose a threat to the structural integrity of the construction. For the detailed design and realisation of structures in such regions a ...

The implementation of Arctic ice management

Counteracting the annual Arctic sea ice loss by distributing sea water on top of sea ice

The Arctic is warming more rapidly than other latitudes, which can result in the release of additional greenhouse gasses, global sea level rise and increase in extreme weather events. Additionally, this causes the rapid decline of sea ice and an ice free Arct ...

The increasing popularity of offshore wind as a result of the demand for renewable energy, forces the industry to consider the development of wind farms in sub-arctic areas. One of these areas is the Baltic Sea, where the potential for wind energy is very large, but which is also ...

The world is transforming its energy production towards more sustainable sources of energy. In Europe, there is currently 25 GW of installed offshore wind power capacity. This is expected to grow with 29 GW over the next five years. Offshore wind farms can be ...

Offshore wind farms are being developed at locations with moderate ice conditions such as the Baltic Sea, where drifting sea ice upon interacting with offshore structures could lead to the development of a phenomenon known as Ice-induced vibrations (IIV). These vibrations are esp ...