Jaap Hogeling

3 records found

Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Airborne Transmission

Science Rejected, Lives Lost. Can Society Do Better?

This is an account that should be heard of an important struggle: the struggle of a large group of experts who came together at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to warn the world about the risk of airborne transmission and the consequences of ignoring it. We alerted the Wor ...
An Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) label (or 'IEQ profile' as it is called in the Netherlands) has been developed in the Netherlands specifically for homes. The label is meant to be used in conjunction with the standard energy label and the graphic design is set up accordingly ...
In the Netherlands a first version of an IEQ label (or 'IEQ profile' as it is called in the Netherlands) has been developed specifically for dwellings. The IEQ label will be introduced on the Dutch market end of 2009. It is voluntary and it is meant to be used in conjunction with ...