S. Filippov
56 records found
Competition for FDI is intensifying and changing in scope as governments of developed and developing countries alike place a higher emphasis on the quality rather than on the quantity of FDI. Against the backdrop of contemporary international business trends, we argue that shifti
An exploration into the impact of the global crisis on emerging economies and firms and their responses to it. The ways in which the leading emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) are dealing with the challenges of the global crisis are complemented by the a
The mission of project portfolio management (PPM) is seen in evaluating, prioritising and selecting projects in line with the business strategy. Alignment of all on-going projects with the overall business strategy is generally recognised as very important for most modern organis
The purpose of this study is to examine specific use of strategic alliances and acquisitions for Chinese firms to catch-up technologically and to enhance their internationalization competence.@en
Multinational companies from emerging economies are becoming significant
players in the globalized world economy. As the volume of foreign direct
investment from emerging economies is rising, and emerging
multinationals increasingly seek access to markets and assets in
advanced d
Internationalisation of Chinese firms is a salient feature of the contemporary world economy. They evolve from local producers to multinational companies, strengthening their presence in a variety of economies ¿ from neighbouring developing countries to sophisticated western mark
Traditional technologies can have an extended lifetime if companies use various cost-reducing strategies. One of these strategies employed in Western European countries in the past decades has been low-cost outsourcing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), mainly derived from low