S.M. Hosseinimehr
10 records found
We develop a multiscale simulation strategy, namely, algebraic dynamic multilevel (ADM) method, for simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in fractured geothermal reservoirs under varying thermodynamic conditions. Fractures with varying conductivities are modeled using the pr
We present the projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) for hexahedral corner-point grid (CPG) geometries, for the simulation of hydrothermal processes in fractured porous media. Unlike the previously-developed pEDFM for structured box grids, our new development
In various geo-engineering fields, accurate and scalable modeling of fluid and heat transport in the subsurface fractured porous media is important in order to fulfill scientific, economical and societal expectations on successful field development plans. Such models and the pred
We develop projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) on corner-point grids (CPG) for fluid flow and heat transfer in subsurface geological formations. The coupling between the flow and heat transfer is fully-implicit, to allow for stable simulations, specially in
An algebraic dynamic multilevel (ADM) method for fully-coupled simulation of flow and heat transport in heterogeneous fractured geothermal reservoirs is presented. Fractures are modeled explicitly using the projection-based embedded discrete method (pEDFM), which accurately repre
Accurate simulation of multiphase flow in subsurface formations is challenging, as the formations span large length scales (km) with high-resolution heterogeneous properties. To deal with this challenge, different multiscale methods have been developed. Such methods construct coa
A dynamic multilevel method for fully-coupled simulation of flow and heat transfer in heterogeneous and fractured geothermal reservoirs is presented (FG-ADM). The FG-ADM develops an advanced simulation method which maintains its efficiency when scaled up to field-scale applicatio
An algebraic dynamic multilevel (ADM) method for multiphase flow in heterogeneous fractured porous media using the projection-based embedded discrete fracture model (pEDFM) is presented. The fine-scale discrete system is obtained independently for matrix and each lower-dimensiona
We present an algebraic dynamic multilevel method for multiphase flow in heterogeneous fractured porous media (F-ADM), where fractures are resolved at fine scale with an embedded discrete modelling approach. This fine-scale discrete system employs independent fine-scale computati
Accurate numerical simulation of coupled fluid flow and heat transfer in heterogeneous geothermal reservoirs demand for high resolution computational grids. The resulting fine-scale discrete systems--though crucial for accurate predictions--are typically upscaled to lower resolut