K.N. Madnani

3 records found

A Simpler Alternative

Minimizing Transition Systems Modulo Alternating Simulation Equivalence

This paper studies the reduction (abstraction) of finite-state transition systems for control synthesis problems. We revisit the notion of alternating simulation equivalence (ASE), a more relaxed condition than alternating bisimulations, to relate systems and their abstractions. ...
Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) and Timed Propositional Temporal Logic (TPTL) are prominent real-time extensions of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). In general, the satisfiability checking problem for these extensions is undecidable when both the future U and the past S modalities are us ...
Self-triggered control (STC) is a sample-and-hold control method aimed at reducing communications in networked-control systems; however, existing STC mechanisms often maximize how late the next sample is, thus not optimizing sampling performance in the long-term. In this work, we ...