M. Zhao
7 records found
In this paper, we investigate the response of a cavity embedded in an elastic half-plane (2D) subjected to a harmonic SH wave. In previous work, the method of conformal mapping and the indirect boundary element method (indirect BEM) were employed to solve the 3D wave scattering f
Dynamics of underground tunnels
Semi-analytical solution for the response of the system under seismic waves and stability analysis of high-speed moving trains
Underground tunnels are important infrastructures due to diverse applications in civil engineering. The dynamic behavior of the underground tunnels when exposed to seismic waves or the passage of high-speedmoving trains is of particular interest. Amplifications of displacements a
This paper presents a semi-analytical solution for the 3D problem of a cylindrical tunnel embedded in an elastic half-space subject to plane harmonic compressional and shear waves. Both the tunnel and soil are modelled as an elastic continuum. Conformal mapping is employed to tra
An analytical solution for the scattering of harmonic P1 and SV waves in a poroelastic half-plane with a shallow lined tunnel is obtained using the plane complex theory in elastodynamics. In light of the wave function expansions, the wave fields of the poroelastic medium and the
This paper investigates the instability of vertical vibrations of an object moving uniformly through a tunnel embedded in soft soil. Using the indirect Boundary Element Method in the frequency domain, the equivalent dynamic stiffness of the tunnel-soil system at the point of cont
A wave function expansion method for out-of-plane scattering of SH waves by two symmetrical circular cavities in two bonded exponentially graded half spaces is presented by using the plane elastic complex variable theory. The medium is composed of a semi-infinite homogeneous spac
This paper addresses the dynamic response of an infinitely long cylindrical structure embedded in an elastic half-space. The structure has a circular cross-section and its axis is parallel to the half-space surface. Excitation can be incident body waves or forces applied on the s