Pierre Dillenbourg
9 records found
How Florist Apprentices Explore Bouquet Designs
Supporting Design Space Exploration for Vocational Students
Context: Exploring the design space is an important process in a design task. In this study, we considered design space exploration for the learners in vocational education and training (VET). The goal of the study was to investigate how they explore the design space while focusi
Immersive virtual reality (IVR) offers possibilities of creating a learner-centric environment that can provide more presence and engagement for students leading to an enhanced learning experience compared to conventional classroom practices. However, the potential of IVR in voca
We present an eye-tracking study in the context of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) videos. We propose to use a pre-test as a way of priming students about the video content before they watch the video. In this study, we used two versions of the same pre-test: textual and schema
We present an eye-tracking study to show the different gaze patterns across the MOOC learners. We hypothesize that the pretests can be used to shape the attention of the students. Moreover we also proposed a collaborative add on activity to the learning material
for the students
Activating student knowledge (ASK) before receiving learning materials improves their learning outcome (Tormey and LeDuc (2014)). We implement ASK through priming by using two versions of the same pretest in a dual eye-tracking study in a MOOC context. We propose an additional ac