We are currently facing a transition of economy. Previous years were focused on a linear economy, consisting of the make-waste concept. The products that are made with raw materials are thrown away after its use. Unfortunately the Earth does not contain an unlimited source of mat
We are currently facing a transition of economy. Previous years were focused on a linear economy, consisting of the make-waste concept. The products that are made with raw materials are thrown away after its use. Unfortunately the Earth does not contain an unlimited source of materials and we need to focus on reusing materials. Concluding to create a circular economy in which waste does not exist at all.
The goal is to start with reusing as of today, instead of in the future. In other words, using the current existing elements. However, to do so it must be known which elements are available. Therefore, a data analysis has been done on the current existing structures as well as the future perspective. These analyses combined concluded in a common scope, visualized as a Lego box. This Lego box does not only consist of all the current existing structures (within the determined scope), but also provides a future perspective on the demolishing plans in the near future. Based on a time-consuming manual research a variety of nearly 70 viaducts have been examined. This lead to the summarization of 5 different girder categories: Box girders, inverted T-girders, Infilled girders, T-girders and remaining.
With the specific girders known, design applications can be created. The focus on these applications is to think outside the box and reusing a girder in a different function than the original purpose. The design applications are created with a brainstorm session. For this session multiple different broad-minded individuals had been invited for an open discussion which concluded in over 20 different design applications. Thereafter, these applications have been examined with the help of an MCDA, based on the three main criteria. This MCDA is executed with the help of multiple different experts with a background regarding one of the three main criteria. With these expert judgements the total amount of design applications have been demarcated to a top 5. Reusing a girder as: Bicycle bridges, (non-)residential buildings, retaining walls, sound barriers and culverts
In conclusion, this thesis provides valuable outputs and the first impressions regarding reuse in another application seem at least interesting. With the different impact factors determined, the possibility looks very promising. It can be stated that reusing in general will be better for the environment, as well as for your own wallet. Reusing a girder as culvert can in theory be seen as a good reuse application, but not higher in a general value than reusing again as a girder. This is based due to the fact that using the girder as a culvert will take more research in practice, especially regarding structural aspects. However, from this thesis it the first impression conclude in the fact that the impact in costs as well as environmental impacts are bigger when reusing the girder in another function