B. J. Van Wees

4 records found

We discuss spin-wave transport in anisotropic ferromagnets with an emphasis on the zeros of the band edges as a function of a magnetic field. An associated divergence of the magnon spin should be observable by enhanced magnon conductivities in nonlocal configurations, especially ...
We report an electric-field-induced in-plane magnetoresistance of an atomically flat paramagnetic insulator|platinum (Pt) interface at low temperatures with an ionic liquid gate. Transport experiments as a function of applied magnetic field strength and direction obey the spin Ha ...
The spin Seebeck effect (SSE) is observed in magnetic insulator|heavy metal bilayers as an inverse spin Hall effect voltage under a temperature gradient. The SSE can be detected nonlocally as well, viz. in terms of the voltage in a second metallic contact (detector) on the magnet ...
We develop a linear-response transport theory of diffusive spin and heat transport by magnons in magnetic insulators with metallic contacts. The magnons are described by a position-dependent temperature and chemical potential that are governed by diffusion equations with characte ...