Pei Chen

3 records found

The Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) satellite system has placed in orbit four satellites by October 2017. The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) system has launched the new satellite IRNNSS-11 in April 2018, completing seven operational satellites. ...
In this contribution we analyze the single-frequency L5 positioning capabilities of the two regional satellite navigation systems IRNSS and QZSS, stand alone as well as combined. The positioning analysis is done for two different baselines, having a mix of receivers, providing am ...
In this contribution, we study the phase-only ambiguity resolution and positioning performance of GPS for short baselines. It is well known that instantaneous (single-epoch) ambiguity resolution is possible when both phase and code (pseudorange) data are used. This requires, howe ...