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H Evenblij
Academic Work (26)
Conference paper (15)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (10)
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26 records found
Review on the state of science on membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment
Journal article (2008) -
AF van Nieuwenhuijzen (author)
H Evenblij (author)
CA Uijterlinde (author)
FL Schulting (author)
Ontwerp- en beheersaspecten van een MBR voor de behandeling van huishoudelijk afvalwater
Journal article (2008) -
E van Voorthuizen (author)
AGN Bentem (author)
H Evenblij (author)
SGM Geraats (author)
J Kruit (author)
Hybrid mbr Heenvliet-20 months of operational experience
Conference paper (2007) -
JW Mulder (author)
H Evenblij (author)
M Feyaerts (author)
SP Geilvoet (author)
Review on the state of science on membrane bioreactors for municipal wastewater treatment
Conference paper (2007) -
AF van Nieuwenhuijzen (author)
H Evenblij (author)
CA Uijterlinde (author)
FL Schulting (author)
Filtration Characterisation in MBR treating municipal wastewater
Conference paper (2006) -
H Evenblij (author)
Tracing membrane foulants in membrane bioreactors by filtration characterisation and fractionation
Journal article (2006) -
SP Geilvoet (author)
M Remy (author)
H Evenblij (author)
Hardy Temmink (author)
JHJM van der Graaf (author)
Filtration Characteristics in Membrane Bioreactors
Doctoral thesis (2006) -
H Evenblij (author)
Filtration characterisation in MBR treating municipal wastewater
Conference paper (2005) -
H Evenblij (author)
Membraanvervuiling in membraanbioreactoren door extracellulaire polymere substanties
Journal article (2005) -
SP Geilvoet (author)
H Evenblij (author)
J.H.J.M. van der Graaf (author)
Tracing membrane foulants in membrane bioreactors by filtration characterisation and fractionation
Conference paper (2005) -
SP Geilvoet (author)
M Remy (author)
H Evenblij (author)
H. Temmink (author)
Dutch mbr grows to maturity
Journal article (2005) -
AGN Bentem (author)
CP Petri (author)
JW Mulder (author)
H Evenblij (author)
D de Vente (author)
SGM Geraats (author)
The importance of liquid phase analyses to understand fouling in membrane assisted activated sludge processes-six case studies of different European research groups
Journal article (2005) -
S Rosenberger (author)
H Evenblij (author)
S te Poele (author)
T Wintgens (author)
C Laabs (author)
Microbiology - weakest link in MBR ?
Conference paper (2004) -
H Evenblij (author)
S Rosenberger (author)
JHJM van der Graaf (author)
Grote verschillen in filtreerbaarheid slib pilot-MBR's
Journal article (2004) -
H Evenblij (author)
S Geilvoet (author)
J.H.J.M. van der Graaf (author)
HF van der Roest (author)
D Lawrence (author)
Occurrence of EPS in activated sludge from a membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater
Journal article (2004) -
H Evenblij (author)
JHJM van der Graaf (author)
Manipulating filterability of MBR activated sludge by pulsed substrate addition
Conference paper (2004) -
H Evenblij (author)
B Verrecht (author)
JHJM van der Graaf (author)
B van der Bruggen (author)
Filtration characterisation for assessing MBR performance: three cases compared
Conference paper (2004) -
H Evenblij (author)
S Geilvoet (author)
JHJM van der Graaf (author)
HF van der Roest (author)
Occurrence of EPS in activated sludge from a membrane bioreactor treating municipal wastewater
Conference paper (2003) -
H Evenblij (author)
JHJM van der Graaf (author)
Measuring EPS in activated sludge from MBR
Conference paper (2003) -
H Evenblij (author)
JHJM van der Graaf (author)
Direct Reuse of membrane Filtrated Raw Wastewater
Conference paper (2002) -
H Evenblij (author)
AF van Nieuwenhuijzen (author)
JHJM van der Graaf (author)